Furniture Design Studio: 1-night/2-days

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Furniture Design Studio: 1-night/2-days


In this residential event we will guide you in development of your conceptual skills in design and competencies in woodworking. We will assess your skill level and design our support to ensure your progress.

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We prefer this residential format because it enables a deeper immersion in process, engaging multiple senses and allowing you to move ahead at your own pace. Our amazing bush setting keeps you closely connected to the elements and provides every opportunity to reinforce that connection while your learning progresses. No more than 5 students are ever in the studio during this programme, ensuring our close support as you work on your project. You can be working in the studio for up to 14 hours each day although we limit the time for use of machinery or high-decibel power tools to the hours between 8am-5pm.

We expect you to arrive on the first day any time between 4pm - 7pm to familiarise with our creative surroundings and settle in. You will get to know us and all the other participants over dinner and this is an opportunity for everyone to share stories and discuss what they want to achieve. Whatever your diet preferences for this evening meal you can let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you. You will stay in one of our 2-person cabins or safari tents.Our facilities include uninterrupted use of the studio kitchen and bathrooms. Bring your own sleeping bag and towel etc. Through the weekend you will work with others in your studio group preparing your own shared meals or you may prefer to skip out to one of the cafes close by at Mangawhai or Waipu.

Fee for this weekend event $950 .00

Note: Course number is limited to 5. Couples are welcome and encouraged. This is a great experience to enjoy together.